lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013


From the beginning I was surprised by the good organization of the city, especially by "El Metro", the most popular transport system of the city. It is fast and efficient,  as well, , people are very respectful of the signs, like not eating, not littering and go in and out by the marked lines.Citizens have no need for special seats for pregnant women or seniors because they yield the chair very kindly.

The cleanliness of the city and the culture of the people is admirable, the streets are completely clean and the roads are free of voids. The people are very friendly and very helpful . In fact, something that one of them taught me and which I found really cool is that all public phones, many by the way, are free for three minute local, you can call into the city and speak for three minutes free.

View of Medellin from "El Pueblito Paisa"
The Paisas are very proud of their city, the first recommendation was to visit "El Pueblito Paisa" is a mountain within the city where you can see the whole city. Beautiful, fully illuminated the city looked. In addition there is a theater in the town where there are cultural activities, like plays, concerts and poetry recitation.

The city is well known for many activities and cultural sites like: El museo de Antioquia, El jardín botánico,  La plaza Botero, which also is El museo Botero, El parque Explora , an interactive center composed of several parks and an aquarium. Medellin is a beautiful city, amazing in its organization, cleanliness and quality of citizens.